Find the research paper here:
RT @kfuku0502: なんとも無茶苦茶なウツボカズラの新種が報告されたようです。Nepenthes pudicaと名付けられたこの種はなんと、地下茎で柔らかな土壌を押し退けて捕虫袋を展開して、地中に「落とし穴」を作り、無脊椎動物やアリを捕らえるのだとか。 https:/…
@YtEknI03Uq20422 @jcpstanabe @hiros_pp 自分も似てるなーと気になってました笑。一応、近縁種みたいですし(
RT @BioTay: 1/2 Han descubierto una planta carnívora subterránea de tipo odre/jarra, es más gruesa que las de superficie y es capaz de capt…
RT @kfuku0502: 地中花/果実を作る性質をgeoflory/geocarpyと呼ぶらしい。ゲンリセア・ミミカキグサ・プディカウツボカズラあたりの捕虫様式はさしずめgeocarnivoryとでもいったところか。
RT @kfuku0502: 地中花/果実を作る性質をgeoflory/geocarpyと呼ぶらしい。ゲンリセア・ミミカキグサ・プディカウツボカズラあたりの捕虫様式はさしずめgeocarnivoryとでもいったところか。
24 Вчені та природоохоронці сподіваються, що це відкриття допоможе захистити тропічні ліси Борнео та, в ідеалі, уповільнити їх знищення, яке відбувається з метою звільнення місця для плантацій олійних пальм. Стаття та фото:
First record of functional underground traps in a pitcher plant: Nepenthespudica (Nepenthaceae), a new species from North Kalimantan, Borneo
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
RT @botanyone: "Nepenthes pudica is the first carnivorous species confirmed to use pitfall traps specifically in the subterranean environme…
RT @botanyone: "Nepenthes pudica is the first carnivorous species confirmed to use pitfall traps specifically in the subterranean environme…
RT @Hcomosa: Description d'une espèce du genre Nepenthes récemment découverte, Nepenthes pudica, qui produit des urnes entièrement souterra…
RT @Hcomosa: Description d'une espèce du genre Nepenthes récemment découverte, Nepenthes pudica, qui produit des urnes entièrement souterra…
RT @Hcomosa: Description d'une espèce du genre Nepenthes récemment découverte, Nepenthes pudica, qui produit des urnes entièrement souterra…
RT @Hcomosa: Description d'une espèce du genre Nepenthes récemment découverte, Nepenthes pudica, qui produit des urnes entièrement souterra…
RT @Hcomosa: Description d'une espèce du genre Nepenthes récemment découverte, Nepenthes pudica, qui produit des urnes entièrement souterra…
RT @botanyone: "Nepenthes pudica is the first carnivorous species confirmed to use pitfall traps specifically in the subterranean environme…
"Nepenthes pudica is the first carnivorous species confirmed to use pitfall traps specifically in the subterranean environment. It produces almost exclusively underground pitchers that are well developed and fully functional."
By far, our most-viewed 2022 article is "First record of functional underground traps in a pitcher #plant: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthaceae), a new species from North Kalimantan, Borneo," with almost 24,000 views!
そういえば、2022年はNepenthes pudicaという地中に捕虫葉を着ける新種が発表されましたね。 次はどんな新種が見つかるか予想してみませんか? 自分は、捕虫葉でタンクブロメリアのように雨水を貯めて水分を得て、樹冠に着生する新種ネペンが見つかると予想します!!
RT @Pensoft: ⌛️Time is running out until we have the 3rd semi-finalist in our #NewSpeciesShowdown! 🗳️Vote in the poll attached for the unde…
RT @Pensoft: ⌛️Time is running out until we have the 3rd semi-finalist in our #NewSpeciesShowdown! 🗳️Vote in the poll attached for the unde…
⌛️Time is running out until we have the 3rd semi-finalist in our #NewSpeciesShowdown! 🗳️Vote in the poll attached for the underground #plant hunter N. pudica🌱 or the frost-resistant ancient #dipluran H. wagnelli👇 #NewSpecies #Biodiversity #Taxonomy https:/
[2/2]⏲️Vote until 29 Dec, 12:00 PM (UTC)! Who will win this one - the first pitcher #plant known to produce functional underground traps (, or the dipluran that was possibly able to survive the last Glacial Maximum (
RT @Pensoft: ⚡️Until tomorrow, 8 Dec @ 12:00 PM (UTC), you'll decide who is to qualify for the quarter-finals of our #NewSpeciesShowdown!…
RT @Pensoft: ⚡️Until tomorrow, 8 Dec @ 12:00 PM (UTC), you'll decide who is to qualify for the quarter-finals of our #NewSpeciesShowdown!…
RT @Pensoft: 📖The pitcher #plant was described earlier this year: to break all records for online mentions at @Phy…
⚡️Until tomorrow, 8 Dec @ 12:00 PM (UTC), you'll decide who is to qualify for the quarter-finals of our #NewSpeciesShowdown! 🗳️Vote for either the underground hunter OR the Demon's #orchid! 🧐More about our anniversary tournament on our blog:
RT @iva_boyadzhieva: ...#scicomm done right!🤩Kudos to @science_irl!🙌 So, here's the paper describing this unique pitcher #plant (that grows…
RT @Pensoft: 📖The pitcher #plant was described earlier this year: to break all records for online mentions at @Phy…
...#scicomm done right!🤩Kudos to @science_irl!🙌 So, here's the paper describing this unique pitcher #plant (that grows its pitchers UNDERGROUND!😲) as a #NewSpecies from @PhytoKeys: You can vote for N. pudica on #NewSpeciesShowdown u
RT @Pensoft: In this #NewSpeciesShowdown, we have a very close battle, but it seems like N. pudica - the 1st pitcher #plant found to feed o…
In this #NewSpeciesShowdown, we have a very close battle, but it seems like N. pudica - the 1st pitcher #plant found to feed on subterranean prey & decribed as a #NewSpecies in our @PhytoKeys - is taking the lead! 🗳️Vote until Thurs, 8 Dec @ 12:00 PM (
As of right now it's a very close race, so make sure to vote for your favorite here⬇
The first known carnivorous #plant to have pitfall traps produced entirely by subterranean shoots, Nepenthes pudica is our all-time most popular #newspecies. Mainly feeds on ants and, occasionally, small worms. More here: https://t.
RT @Pensoft: 📖The pitcher #plant was described earlier this year: to break all records for online mentions at @Phy…
RT @Pensoft: 📖The pitcher #plant was described earlier this year: to break all records for online mentions at @Phy…
RT @Pensoft: 📖The pitcher #plant was described earlier this year: to break all records for online mentions at @Phy…
RT @Pensoft: 📖The pitcher #plant was described earlier this year: to break all records for online mentions at @Phy…
📖The pitcher #plant was described earlier this year: to break all records for online mentions at @PhytoKeys! The Devil's #orchid topped the charts for years following its description in 2016: 🗳️VOTE until 8
RT @JoshLukeDavis: Yeah, ok so this is utterly wild. A pitcher plant has been discovered that not only grows pitchers above ground but als…
RT @JoshLukeDavis: Yeah, ok so this is utterly wild. A pitcher plant has been discovered that not only grows pitchers above ground but als…
RT @JoshLukeDavis: Yeah, ok so this is utterly wild. A pitcher plant has been discovered that not only grows pitchers above ground but als…
RT @JoshLukeDavis: Yeah, ok so this is utterly wild. A pitcher plant has been discovered that not only grows pitchers above ground but als…
RT @kfuku0502: なんとも無茶苦茶なウツボカズラの新種が報告されたようです。Nepenthes pudicaと名付けられたこの種はなんと、地下茎で柔らかな土壌を押し退けて捕虫袋を展開して、地中に「落とし穴」を作り、無脊椎動物やアリを捕らえるのだとか。 https:/…
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
RT @kumoridai: プティカの蟲惑魔、2022年6月末に発見された植物が11月に遊戯王カード化……? スピード感凄すぎないか……?
RT @kumoridai: プティカの蟲惑魔、2022年6月末に発見された植物が11月に遊戯王カード化……? スピード感凄すぎないか……?
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
RT @kumoridai: プティカの蟲惑魔、2022年6月末に発見された植物が11月に遊戯王カード化……? スピード感凄すぎないか……?
RT @kumoridai: プティカの蟲惑魔、2022年6月末に発見された植物が11月に遊戯王カード化……? スピード感凄すぎないか……?
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
プティカの蟲惑魔、2022年6月末に発見された植物が11月に遊戯王カード化……? スピード感凄すぎないか……?
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
プディカの蟲惑魔ってあれじゃね?地中にあるとかなんか新種だとか言われてたやつ これ写真あるサイトね。詳しいこと知りたい人はここから。 似たようなのたくさんいるが名前似てる奴これくらいしか思いつかん
新しい蟲惑魔の元ネタはこれかな? 地中に潜むウツボカズラの1種らしい。どことなくカズーラっぽいのも納得ね
RT @plazi_species: Nepenthes pudica Collected in 2012 in North Kalimantan, Indonesia described and published in @PhytoKeys in 2022 #Trea…
RT @plazi_species: Nepenthes pudica Collected in 2012 in North Kalimantan, Indonesia described and published in @PhytoKeys in 2022 #Trea…
RT @plazi_species: Nepenthes pudica Collected in 2012 in North Kalimantan, Indonesia described and published in @PhytoKeys in 2022 #Trea…
RT @plazi_species: #NewSpecies from Borneo: Nepenthes pudica First carnivorous plant with functional underground traps!!! #Treatment: http…
Nepenthes pudica Collected in 2012 in North Kalimantan, Indonesia described and published in @PhytoKeys in 2022 #Treatment added to TreatmentBank: and mediated to @GBIF by @plazi_ch This process can be automated if the data is
RT @plazi_species: #NewSpecies from Borneo: Nepenthes pudica First carnivorous plant with functional underground traps!!! #Treatment: http…
RT @plazi_species: #NewSpecies from Borneo: Nepenthes pudica First carnivorous plant with functional underground traps!!! #Treatment: http…
RT @PhytoKeys: This carnivorous #plant is unique - it traps #insects in underground pitchers that haven't been seen in any other plant so f…
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
A newfound pitcher plant species sets traps in an unusual location: underground.
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
RT @plantoscope: #PDJ177 - Je sais, j'ai plein de plantes de retard... mais je reviens avec un SCOOP. Saviez-vous qu'on avait découvert une…
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
RT @BioTay: 1/2 Han descubierto una planta carnívora subterránea de tipo odre/jarra, es más gruesa que las de superficie y es capaz de capt…
RT @JoshLukeDavis: Yeah, ok so this is utterly wild. A pitcher plant has been discovered that not only grows pitchers above ground but als…
RT @plantoscope: #PDJ177 - Je sais, j'ai plein de plantes de retard... mais je reviens avec un SCOOP. Saviez-vous qu'on avait découvert une…
RT @BotanicsMan: BREAKING BOTANICAL! #Nepenthes #carnivorousplant with first recorded underground traps. Meet: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthace…
RT @Science_Release: [原著論文] Martin Dančák, et al. "First record of functional underground traps in a pitcher plant: 𝑁𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎 (Nepen…
RT @MarkKLWong: Amazing. New species of pitcher plant has "underground" pitchers. They form in soil cavities or directly in the soil, captu…
RT @MarkKLWong: Amazing. New species of pitcher plant has "underground" pitchers. They form in soil cavities or directly in the soil, captu…
RT @Pensoft: 🗞️Discovery of the very 1st carnivorous pitcher #plant to catch its prey underground - published in our journal @PhytoKeys - c…
RT @MarkKLWong: Amazing. New species of pitcher plant has "underground" pitchers. They form in soil cavities or directly in the soil, captu…
RT @Pensoft: 🗞️Discovery of the very 1st carnivorous pitcher #plant to catch its prey underground - published in our journal @PhytoKeys - c…
🗞️Discovery of the very 1st carnivorous pitcher #plant to catch its prey underground - published in our journal @PhytoKeys - covered by @CNN & @KatieHunt20👇 Bonus: a video of the #NewSpecies🌱 🔓Full study: #PlantScience #Botany
RT @MU_Peter: Undertones of an earthy taste... Discovery of carnivorous plant that traps prey underground First record of functional unde…
RT @MU_Peter: Undertones of an earthy taste... Discovery of carnivorous plant that traps prey underground First record of functional unde…
RT @MU_Peter: Undertones of an earthy taste... Discovery of carnivorous plant that traps prey underground First record of functional unde…
babies 😊
RT @MU_Peter: Undertones of an earthy taste... Discovery of carnivorous plant that traps prey underground First record of functional unde…
RT @MU_Peter: Undertones of an earthy taste... Discovery of carnivorous plant that traps prey underground First record of functional unde…
RT @MU_Peter: Undertones of an earthy taste... Discovery of carnivorous plant that traps prey underground First record of functional unde…
Undertones of an earthy taste... Discovery of carnivorous plant that traps prey underground First record of functional underground traps in a pitcher plant: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthaceae), a new species from North Kalimantan, Borneo
RT @BioTay: 1/2 Han descubierto una planta carnívora subterránea de tipo odre/jarra, es más gruesa que las de superficie y es capaz de capt…
RT @luix: Un #Nepenthes subterráneo en ¿Dónde más? Borneo Increíble
RT @BioTay: 1/2 Han descubierto una planta carnívora subterránea de tipo odre/jarra, es más gruesa que las de superficie y es capaz de capt…
RT @CANASPI_san: フューチャーイズワイルドじゃん! こんなんもう実質デスボトルプラントじゃん!!! やりやがったなウツボカズラぁ!!!!!
RT @Aohane_ishisuki: 地蜘蛛やトタテグモみたい😳 …いや、それよりもっと直接的に似たものの話を読んだ気が… あ!あれだよ!デスボトルプラント‼︎ #フューチャー・イズ・ワイルド だよ! さすがいろんな学者さんが集まった本だよ、事実は小説よりも奇なりだよス…
RT @kfuku0502: なんとも無茶苦茶なウツボカズラの新種が報告されたようです。Nepenthes pudicaと名付けられたこの種はなんと、地下茎で柔らかな土壌を押し退けて捕虫袋を展開して、地中に「落とし穴」を作り、無脊椎動物やアリを捕らえるのだとか。 https:/…
RT @BioTay: 1/2 Han descubierto una planta carnívora subterránea de tipo odre/jarra, es más gruesa que las de superficie y es capaz de capt…
RT @PhytoKeys: The fascinating story of a carnivorous #plant like no other, told by @SarahKuta. Study to be found on our website, at https:…
RT @BioTay: 1/2 Han descubierto una planta carnívora subterránea de tipo odre/jarra, es más gruesa que las de superficie y es capaz de capt…